My friend Sarah had this on her blog and I LOVED it!! So I want everyone to play along. Please comment no matter who you are...friend, relative, or acquaintance! I know there are so many things we have forgotten in our history with friends and family so here's how it works:
1. As a comment on our blog, leave a memory that you had with either Dave or I or both of us together. It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember, good or bad but be nice please! ;)
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. Come on all my blog followers... I want to post something about you, let's see this on your blog!!!
Very Cute! I did this a few months ago so I won't do it again, but lets see...
I remember the day I met you, we went on a triple date you and Dave (were pregnant with Tahni) Jeremy and I and Shawn and (I forgot her name, Sunny's little sister that Jeremy did his Caberet with) Anyway we went to eat and to the mall. I had been sick in bed for a week with a double ear infection and a throat infection. I was miserable, wanted to be in bed, but was trying to be a good sport for Jeremy. I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying or taste my food. I had to keep asking Jeremy what poeple were saying to me. Eveyrone must have thought I was a crazy person!
I have soo many memories where do I even start hun??!!! I will just always remember the Artco days. It is Artco write? Anyways gall that was soo long ago but I just remember I didnt know alot of people and I felt a little uncomfortable and then I met the nicest person ever. Her name is Heidi and she was soo extremely nice to me and helped me feel so comfortable and just loved me for me!! I miss you!!!
Well I met Heidi when I was working at Artco! (Aaaah) Anyway we sure had some good times. That was around the time I was chasing Cody so we used to drive by his house ALL the time. I'm not even too embarrassed to admit it. My other favorite memory is when Cody and I set her up with Cody's friend Kevin and Kevin had a real thing for Heidi so after he dropped her off he said how hot she was and that she had singer legs. Cody and I still laugh about that.
My first memory of Brigitte is when Jeremy was on his ballroom dance tour he told me about this girl. He then mentioned something about going to the temple or to see the temple. Right then and there we (my family) knew he was hooked!
And Louise!!! So many memories to count! Oh I know: I remember when we were walking back in to Artco one day and we passed Cody and your exact words were. "That guy's name is Cody he works in my department - HE'S A DISH!(love it)
My favorite is probably when Cody just showed up at my house one day. I had just gotten out of the shower so I came to the door with a towel on my head and all he said was "You might want to put some shoes on" and we went ring shopping for you that day!! And How about the very next day or close to it we went to Lagoon (you, code, me & someone else i forget, was it Pat??) when Cody proposed to you. I was running around the park like a chicken with its head cut off to make all the plans run without a hitch. Ahhh good times!!!
Helloooooo Heidi! Jaime gave me yoru blog! Im so glad I have found you! How are you? I miss you two silly girls! Your fam is so cute! Give me a call sometime or shout back on my blog! Ps Howard and Tauna have blog too its under dranma Tauna....
email me at so we can chat, and so i have your email too! :) thanks for replying so good to hear from you! I miss yoU!
One of the many memories I have is from early on... actually, I don't remember how many years ago now, but Dave and I worked @ Dillard's together. And there you have it. Just kidding. Anyway, Dave, do you remember Chad and I standing at that rounder of clothes chatting away and you telling us you were going to lunch. Then, what, maybe an hour later you came back and we were still at the same rounder,standing in the exact same positions. The look on your face... Ha! I don't know how to quite describe it. It was part disgust at our laziness, but also part wonder and admiration.
I remember the weekend we came and spent with you guys back when we were engaged. We had such a good time, especially at the BSU vs BYU game. That was awesome!
P.S. Check out our blog too!
this last summer was one long fun memory, spending most of our time together with the kids, trying to think of lots of fun things to do, the girls being best friends. I love that we got along right away and that we didn't have to work at being friends. Thanks a bunch. I'm Sad... that we don't live by each other anymore.
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